Enjoy tot-friendly activities throughout Robinson Nature Center's indoor exhibits and outdoor, paved trail (weather-permitting). Participate in crafts, games, and spring sensory fun. Separate egg hunts for toddlers and children 4 years and older throughout the day. See bunnies available for adoption through the Friends of Rabbits rescue organization. All adults and children 1 year and older must register to participate. No online registration; call 410-313-0400 or register at the center in person.
1 yr + $7 member; $10 nonmember; Free, siblings under 1 yr
RP4858.701 Robinson Nature Ctr Apr 9 9am-1pm Sa
RP4858.702 Robinson Nature Ctr Apr 10 9am-1pm Su
- Make a bunny ear headband
- Meet live rabbits, available for adoption, from the rescue organization, "Friends of Rabbits"
- Enjoy sensory exploration and free play with musical instruments
- Navigate our outdoor obstacle course
- Enjoy indoor spring-themed games like pin the tail on the bunny and feed the frog
- See a puppet show (Shows at 9:15am, 10am, 10:45am, 11:30am or 12:15pm)
- Go on an outdoor egg hunt (schedule below)
Egg Hunt Schedule
- 9:30am: Toddler
- 10am: 4 yrs+
- 10:30am: Toddler
- 11am: 4 yrs+
- 11:30am: Toddler
- 12pm: 4 yrs+
- 12:30pm: Toddler
- 1:00pm: 4 yrs+