County Executive Ball Hosts Transportation Town Hall
County Executive Calvin Ball hosted a virtual Transportation Town Hall on Wednesday evening to discuss transportation safety, Complete Streets, future projects, and more. Ball was joined by County officials from the Office of Transportation, Department of Public Works, Howard County Police Department and the Regional Transportation Agency.
County Executive Ball Announces Nearly $6 Million CARES Act Funding for School System and Funding Dashboard
Today, County Executive Calvin Ball announced nearly $6 million in CARES Act funding will be allocated to the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) to offset COVID-19 related expenditures for virtual instruction and lay the groundwork for safe and effective instruction moving forward. The funding will support technology, meals for students, public health and safety supplies, and increased unemployment costs. Ball also announced a CARES Act spending dashboard that will track the actual and projected spending of federal funding as the December 30th federal deadline approaches.
County Executive Ball Announces New COVID-19 Gathering Limits and Restrictions
Today, County Executive Calvin Ball announced new COVID-19 restrictions after Howard County exceeded a 5% positivity rate and a case rate of 19.1 per 100,000 residents. A new Executive Order prohibits indoor gatherings of more than 10 people and outdoor gatherings of more than 25 people effective Tuesday, November 17 at 5:00 p.m.
County Executive Ball Announces New Round of HoCo RISE Business Grants and HoCo RISE Collaborative
Today, County Executive Calvin Ball announced additional CARES Act funding through HoCo RISE business grants and introduced the HoCo RISE Collaborative.
Coronavirus Updates: Howard County Reports Record Cases, Maryland Tightens COVID-19 Restrictions
Today, Howard County reported the highest seven-day average of 15.8 cases per 100,000 people, a dramatic increase from 9.6 cases per 100k on November 3, 2020 and Governor Hogan has announced new capacity restrictions and expanded his travel advisory.
Whiskey Bottom Road Sidewalk Project to Begin
A Howard County construction project to enhance the sidewalk along eastbound Whiskey Bottom Road between All Saints Road and Moonshine Hollow in Laurel, is expected to begin on or about Monday, November 23. The project is not expected to impact the general flow of vehicular traffic; however, flaggers will be in place to direct motorists during material deliveries. Furthermore, a portion of the sidewalk at each ramp connection point will be closed to pedestrians for the duration of the project.
County Executive Ball Addresses COVID-19 Impact on Child Abuse Reporting
ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Today, County Executive Calvin Ball addressed how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted reports of child abuse and neglect in Howard County. Since the beginning of the pandemic in mid-March, Howard County Department of Social Services has seen an average 60% decrease in Child Protective Services (CPS) reports.
County Executive Ball Announces Spending Affordability Advisory Committee for Fiscal Year 2022 Ahead of Schedule
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball has announced the Spending Affordability Advisory Committee for fiscal year 2022 (FY22) earlier than previous years to allow more time for the committee to digest, discuss and offer constructive advice to the County amid the pandemic.
County Executive Calvin Ball Statement on 2020 Presidential Election
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball released the following statement regarding the announcement of President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris: "Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their historic election victory. Thank you for exhibiting leadership and patience as election officials worked diligently to preserve the integrity of our Democracy by ensuring that every voice mattered and every vote was counted..."
Coronavirus Update: Howard County Records Highest New Daily Cases Since May, County Executive Emphasizes Vigilance
Today, County Executive Calvin Ball announced the second highest number of daily cases of COVID-19 in Howard County of 82 cases, according to the most recent data from the Maryland Department of Health. The highest number of daily cases was last recorded on May 23, with 83 cases, many of which were associated with a nursing home outbreak. These recent cases differ in that they are younger, have fewer associated deaths and fewer associated with nursing homes or assisted living facilities. The Howard County case rate per 100,000 is currently at 10.4, it previously peaked at 12 per 100k on May 30 and was at its lowest on June 27 at 4.9 per 100k.
Howard County to Honor Native American Heritage Month with Month-Long Celebration
The Howard County Office of Human Rights, in partnership with local business Nava Be Diné, is honoring Native American Heritage Month with a month-long, virtual celebration recognizing the culture, traditions and history of American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Woodcrest Drive Pond Improvement Project to Begin
A Howard County construction project to improve a stormwater management pond near 6340 Woodcrest Drive in Ellicott City, is expected to begin on or about Monday, November 9th.The project is not expected to impact the flow of traffic; however, the sidewalk at the end of Woodcrest Drive along the cul-de-sac adjacent to the pond, will be closed during construction.
Howard County Government Closings for Veterans Day Holiday on November 11
Howard County Government offices, courts and animal shelter will be closed on Wednesday, November 11 in observance of the Veterans Day holiday. However, regular trash, recycling, yard trim and food scrap services will be in effect and the Alpha Ridge Landfill will be open. The County’s 50+ centers remain closed at this time due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
County Executive Ball Announces Public Review of Howard County Forest Conservation Manual
Today, County Executive Calvin Ball announced the launch of a 21-day public comment period on the Howard County Forest Conservation Manual draft. The Forest Conservation Manual implements the Forest Conservation Act, by explaining the nuts and bolts of forest conservation in Howard County.
Human Rights Commission Announces Winners of 2020 Human Rights Awards
The Howard County Human Rights Commission announced that Jumel Howard, Erika Strauss Chavarria and The Horizon Foundation are the recipients of the 2020 Human Rights Awards during a virtual awards ceremony on October 22nd. In addition, Charmaine Y. Yuan is the recipient of the Human Rights Commission’s newly formed Human Rights Student Award.
Complete Street Improvements Underway in Savage
A Howard County construction project to improve pedestrian access and safety, while providing vehicular traffic calming at several locations in Savage has begun. The Complete Street project will include curb and sidewalk improvements along and roadway resurfacing of Washington Street between Fair Street and Williams Street, and on Fair Street, Commercial Street and Foundry Street between Baltimore Street and Washington Street.
County Executive Ball Delivers 2020 State of the County Speech
Tonight, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball delivered the inaugural Howard County “State of County” address virtually to Howard County residents. Under the theme, “We Rise Together,” Ball addressed the county’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and announced the next major step in the county’s recovery effort, “The HoCo RISE Collaborative” an effort, chaired by former Howard County Executive Ken Ulman, comprised of five independent workgroups that will focus on: jobs and the economy, education and workforce development, healthcare, quality of life, and government response. During his speech Ball highlighted Howard County’s COVID response and recovery, economic challenges ahead, as well as non-COVID issues and opportunities such as flood mitigation in Ellicott City, environmental sustainability efforts, education funding and support services, and public safety, equity, and mental health initiatives launched during the past year. Video of the State of County Speech can be watched here.
County Executive Ball Recognizes National First Responders Day
Today, County Executive Calvin Ball was joined by Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford, the Howard County Opioid Crisis Community Council (OCCC) and Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) to acknowledge and celebrate the efforts of first responders in the battle against substance misuse on National First Responders Day. Video of the event can be found here.
County Executive Ball Delivers 2020 State of the County Speech
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball delivered the inaugural Howard County “State of County” address virtually to Howard County residents Wednesday, October 28th. Under the theme, “We Rise Together,” Ball addressed the county’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and announced the next major step in the county’s recovery effort, “The HoCo RISE Collaborative” an effort.
County Executive Ball Recognizes National First Responders Day
On Wednesday, October 28th, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball was joined by Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford, the Howard County Opioid Crisis Community Council and Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care to acknowledge and celebrate the efforts of first responders in the battle against substance misuse on National First Responders Day.
Early Education Program Head Start More Accessible with Move to Long Reach Village Center
Head Start, a vital early education program of the Community Action Council of Howard County, is moving one of its locations to the Long Reach Village Center. Head Start provides free pre-school to eligible 3 to 5-year-old children and the new location will increase its capacity from 38 to 80 children.
Howard County Office of Purchasing to be Renamed, Receives Achievement in Excellence Award
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball has pre-filed legislation to rename the Office of Purchasing to Office of Procurement and Contract Administration. Also, for the 12th consecutive year the Office of Purchasing has been recognized by the National Procurement Institute with their coveted Achievement of Excellence in Procurement award for 2020.
County Executive Ball Recognizes County Employees and Good Samaritan Who Saved Howard County Resident’s Life at Roger Carter Center
Today, County Executive Calvin Ball was joined by Fire Chief Bill Anuszewski, Recreation & Parks Director Raul Delerme, and Fire and Rescue Services Medical Director Dr. Matthew Levy to recognize multiple Roger Carter Community Center (RCCC) employees and a fellow swimmer who saved a Howard County resident’s life last month.
County Executive Ball Provides Update on Opioid Lawsuit
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball releases statement following the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) $8.3 billion settlement with Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin.