Howard County Executive Ball Statement on Passing of Senator Mike Miller
Coronavirus Updates: Howard County Wi-Fi Locations, CVS Testing Site in Fulton, Unemployment Updates
Coronavirus Updates: Howard County Testing Locations, Nursing Home Testing, EDA Reopening Resources
Marriottsville Road Paving Project to Begin
Howard County Government Closings for Memorial Day Holiday on May 25
Coronavirus Updates: Maryland Expands Testing, Pop-Up Pantries
Montgomery Road House Demolition Project to Begin
Coronavirus Updates: Testing and Contact Tracing, Recreation & Parks Online Offerings, HCC Google IT Class
Coronavirus Updates: Hospital Data Added to Dashboard, Unemployment Insurance Support Videos, Feed Howard County
Howard County has added hospital capacity data to the COVID-19 Dashboard. The additional section of the dashboard breaks down the Howard County General Hospital’s (HCGH) intensive care unit (ICU), acute beds, and ventilators that are in use and available. As one of the key metrics in County Executive Ball’s HoCo RISE framework, this data will be considered as Howard County moves towards reopening parts of our economy.
Howard County Releases Reopening Framework, Response to Governor's Phase One
Coronavirus Updates: County Executive’s Response to Governor’s Stage 1 Reopening, Pop-up Pantries, EDA Launches Business Reopening Tool
County Executive Calvin Ball Statement on Governor’s Stage One Reopening
State Grants Howard County Request for Deferral of Ellicott City Business Loans
County Executive Ball Releases Spending Affordability Advisory Committee Report
Howard County Executive Ball released the Spending Affordability Advisory Committee Report for the fiscal year (FY) 2020. In December 2018, Ball renewed the committee through Executive Order, giving them several objectives and a deadline of March 1, 2019. The committee was charged with reviewing the status and projections of revenues and expenditures for the County, not only for fiscal year 2020, but also for fiscal years 2021-2025.