Howard County Unveils Plan to Fund Body-Worn Camera Program Beginning in October
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball announced plans to file a budget amendment releasing County funding from contingency in the FY2022 operating budget for Howard County’s body-worn camera program this Thursday.
Howard County Offers Free RTA Bus Passes to Middle and High School Students
More than 57,000 students can now ride the RTA system and more than 10,000 students can access a stop within a quarter-mile of their school
Howard County Government Closings for Labor Day Holiday on September 6th
Howard County Government offices, courts, animal shelter, 50+ centers and the Alpha Ridge Landfill will be closed in observance of the Labor Day holiday on Monday, September 6th
Howard County Launches Native Tree Giveaway for Residents
County Executive Calvin Ball announced that the Department of Recreation & Parks in cooperation with the Office of Community Sustainability will be giving away 2,000 native trees in five-gallon containers for Howard County residents to plant on their property.
OHRE Virtual Community Listening Session
The Office of Human Rights & Equity wants to hear from you! Join us for our first Community Listening Session on Tuesday, August 31st from 6p - 7:30p. Your compliments, concerns, and suggestions are welcome. We want to learn how we can help create a more equitable and inclusive community, if there are any important issues our community is facing regarding discrimination, equity, and inclusion, and what services, programming, and resources you would like to see OHRE implement. You can register for the date that works best for you by using the links provided on the flyer.
OHRE Virtual Community Listening Session
The Office of Human Rights & Equity wants to hear from you! Join us for our next Virtual Community Listening Session on Thursday, September 23rd from 6p - 7:30p. Your compliments, concerns, and suggestions are welcome. We want to learn how we can help create a more equitable and inclusive community, if there are any important issues our community is facing regarding discrimination, equity, and inclusion, and what services, programming, and resources you would like to see OHRE implement. You can register for the date that works best for you by using the links provided on the flyer.
Bystander Intervention & Cultural Awareness Training
The Howard County Office of Human Rights & Equity invites you to a timely workshop experience that offers hands-on training about protecting the humanity of people who are being targeted or harassed in your presence. This event will be held in the Belmont/Hockley Room in the Elkridge branch of Howard County Library System.
Police investigating fatal collision in Sykesville
Howard County police are investigating a fatal collision involving a motorcycle that occurred overnight in Sykesville.
Police investigating fatal wrong way collision in Columbia
Howard County police are investigating a fatal collision that occurred overnight in Columbia.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission Meeting
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission meets on the third Wednesday of every month, except in July. Meetings are open to the public.
Meetings are virtual until further notice.
Columbia man injured in parking lot shooting
The victim was treated and released from the hospital.
Howard County Executive Ball Selects Louis Winston as New Fire Chief
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball today named Louis Winston to be the next Chief of the Department of Fire and Rescue Services (HCDFRS).
Public Input For The Land Preservation, Park & Recreation Plan Will Be Welcomed
Howard County Recreation & Parks
County Executive Ball Launches American Rescue Plan Website, Begins Engagement Efforts on Allocation of Funds
Today, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball launched a new website to provide information, accept feedback and track progress on the management of the $63.2 million American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding granted to Howard County by the U.S. Department of Treasury in June.
Zoning Board
RESCHEDULED from September 1, 2021
CASE: ZB 1126M, Courthouse Rezoning
Howard County Prepared for Vaccine Boosters and Third Doses
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball was joined by Howard County Health Officer Dr. Maura Rossman to share information regarding third doses for immunocompromised residents and preparation for booster shots in the coming months.
Rabies Vaccination Clinic
Howard County Health Department, in cooperation with the Animal Control and Adoption Center, sponsors monthly local vaccination clinics to protect your pet from the rabies virus. These vaccination clinics will be held OUTSIDE (weather permitting) and social distancing measures will be in place. Bring your dog, cat, or ferret for a discounted vaccination.
Howard County Leads Maryland with 97% of Seniors Receiving at Least One Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine
County Executive Calvin Ball emphasized Howard County’s efforts to vaccinate its older adult population with 97.5% of residents 65+ with at least one dose, and nearly 94% of residents 65+ fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Atholton Park Handball Court Renovation Project Begins
Beginning Monday, September 13th, the handball courts at Howard County Recreation & Parks’ (HCRP) Atholton Park at 6875 Greenleigh Drive in Columbia, will be closed for approximately six weeks to allow for renovations.
County Executive Ball Files Crucial Tree Protection Legislation
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball has filed Council Bill 64-2021, a tree protection act, to close a loophole in current law and ensure that specimen trees are not removed before the Forest Conservation Act is applied to a development proposal.
Howard County Department of Public Works to Host Informational Public Meeting on Rogers Avenue Improvement Project
The County’s Department of Public Works will hold an informational public meeting on Thursday, September 30th to discuss the study, design and planned improvements to Rogers Avenue between US 40 and Court House Drive to enable safe access to drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists.
Woman struck and killed on Route 29 in Ellicott City
The victim was pronounced dead at the scene.
Complete Streets Implementation Team (CSIT) Meeting
Regular meeting of the Complete Streets Implementation Team.
Complete Streets Implementation Team (CSIT) Meeting
Regular meeting of the Complete Streets Implementation Team.
Complete Streets Implementation Team (CSIT) Meeting
Regular meeting of the Complete Streets Implementation Team.