Coffee with a Cop
River Hill McDonald's
VIN Etching
FREE SERVICE: VIN Etching for Auto Theft Prevention 3/23
Howard County Executive Ball’s capital budget plan contains highest school construction funding in two decades
School construction funding under Ball grows by $78 million compared to previous four-year period; road improvements and parks investments at eight-year high.
Howard County Honors World Autism Acceptance Day at Blandair Park in Columbia
On Saturday, April 2nd, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball, Department of Recreation & Parks Director A. Raul Delerme, Howard County Autism Society, Maryland Secretary of Disabilities Carol A. Beatty, State Delegate Jessica Feldmark, Howard County Council Vice Chair Christiana Rigby, Maryland State Autism Coordinator Katie Gandy, and Autism Society of America’s Kim Musheno, joined together to honor World Autism Acceptance Day with “Autism in the Park” at Blandair Regional Park’s Laura’s Place “play-for-all” playground in Columbia.
Howard County’s Annual GreenFest Returns for its 15th Year
On Saturday, April 9th, Howard County Government will host its 15th annual GreenFest, which features exhibits, demonstrations, workshops, outdoor activities and practical tips for easy ways to “green” your home, workplace and lifestyle.
Police and Fire Departments investigate possible arson case
The Howard County Fire Investigation Unit, a joint team from the police and fire departments, responded to investigate an apartment fire this morning in Columbia.
Memorial Day - Slide Schedule in Effect
There will be NO CURBSIDE COLLECTIONS on Monday, May 30.
Curbside collections of recycling, yard trim, food scraps and trash will slide and be made one day later that week. Bulk item collection will slide with trash collection.
Scrap metal collection will remain as scheduled and will not slide. Please place all items out by 6am to ensure collection.
County Executive Ball Announces Historic Funding for Pedestrian and Bicycling Infrastructure in FY23
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball today announced that his proposed capital spending plan for fiscal year 2023 contains historic funding for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, aimed at providing health and environmental benefits while improving community connections.
Composting Facility Tour
Take a guided tour of the state-of-the-art Composting Facility at Alpha Ridge Landfill.
Howard County Executive Ball Seeks Members for Planning Board
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball is seeking applicants from Councilmanic District 1 interested in serving on the Planning Board. The deadline to apply for this vacancy is Friday, April 22nd.
Howard County Recognizes Child Abuse Prevention Month, Marks 30th Anniversary of Child Advocacy Center
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball today was joined by Police Chief Gregory Der, Chief of the State’s Attorney’s Office Special Victims Unit Mary Murphy, Department of Social Services Director Stephen Liggett-Creel, and Commander of the HCPD Family Crimes and Sexual Assault Division Lt. Erika Heaver to recognize Child Abuse Prevention Month and the reaccreditation of Howard County’s Child Advocacy Center: The Listening Place by the National Children’s Alliance.
Howard County Executive Ball Seeks Members for Environmental Sustainability Board
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball is seeking applicants interested in serving on the Environmental Sustainability Board. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 22nd.
Re-accreditation Process Underway for HCPD
Assessors from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) will review the Howard County Police Department next week.
Frederick Road Sidewalk Project Underway
A Howard County construction project to build a sidewalk along eastbound Frederick Road between Gray Rock Drive and Jay Drive in Ellicott City has resumed.
Howard County Government Closings for Good Friday on April 15th
Howard County Government offices, 50+ centers and animal shelter will be closed in observance of the Good Friday holiday on Friday, April 15th. Maryland courts and the County’s Alpha Ridge Landfill will however be open and there will be regular Friday curbside trash, recycling, food scrap and yard trim collections.
Drug Take Back
National Drug Take Back Day is coming up Saturday, April 30!
Howard County Hosts Inaugural Light the Night 5K for Suicide Prevention
The Light the Night 5K was spearheaded by Chloe McGeehan who served as student member for the past year for the Howard County Recreation and Parks Park Board. Over 150 participants raised more than $2,100 combined.
Howard County Honors “Business Recycling and Waste Reduction” and “Green Community Leadership” Award Winners
At Howard County’s 15th annual GreenFest event this past Saturday, April 9th, the County’s Department of Public Works’ Bureau of Environmental Services announced the winners of its fourth annual “Business Recycling and Waste Reduction” and “Green Community Leadership” awards program.
Howard County Completes Massive Solar Array at Circuit Courthouse
Historic agreement to power up to three-quarters of local government energy needs with renewables
Howard County Executive Ball Seeks Members for Commission for Women
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball is seeking applicants to fill two vacancies on the Commission for Women, a general member and a student member for the 2022-2023 school year. Deadline to apply is Friday, May 6th
County Executive Ball reaches agreement with Girl Scouts of Central Maryland for Camp Ilchester purchase and preservation
Howard County will keep 21 acres in Ellicott City as green space and parks pending final agreement and budget approval
Howard County Invests Historic $12.5 Million for Road Resurfacing
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball highlighted $12.5 million for road resurfacing in his proposed Fiscal Year 2023 capital budget.
Design Advisory Panel Meeting
The purpose of this Panel is to improve design compatibility with surrounding development, to promote revitalization, and to enhance property values, the DAP process encourages excellence in the project's architecture and site design.
Tips to help prevent auto theft/theft from auto
You can make you and your vehicle less likely to be victimized with these tips.
Executive Ball’s FY23 operating budget proposal contains largest increase for education in 20 years
$1 billion commitment for public schools; Projected local funding level for state Blueprint for Maryland’s Future exceeded by $8 million