Assessment, Therapy & Medication
When looking for therapeutic services it can be hard to understand which provider to go to access assessments, therapy, and/or medication. This section describes those providers and provides steps on how to access these services.
Early Intervention
Early Intervention is the second tier and focuses on individuals identified at risk of or beginning to experience some behavioral health concerns to prevent worsening symptoms. This section helps you identify early signs and reach out to community support.
Intervention is the third tier and focuses on individuals experiencing significant behavioral health symptoms that affect their functioning at home, school, work, or in the community. This section helps you evaluate symptoms and access treatment.
Intensive Intervention
Intensive Intervention is the fourth tier and focuses on individuals experiencing severe, complex, chronic, or persistent behavioral health symptoms. This section helps you to access immediate and significant supports.
Calvin Ball
County Executive Calvin Ball is a Maryland native and a resident of Columbia, where he and his wife Shani are proud parents of two daughters who attend and graduated from Howard County public schools. In 2006, Ball made history when he was elected the youngest Chairperson in the history of the Howard County Council. He made history again in 2018, when he became the first African-American to be elected Howard County Executive.
Current Shared Electric Scooter Operations
Active Transportation Open House 2022
EBO Resources
Teens & Youths
Find activities, programs, and employment resources for young individuals.
Strategic Plan
The department utilized the community-driven strategic planning process to go beyond the development of a static document. The process challenged the Department’s members to critically examine paradigms, values, philosophies, beliefs, and desires and encouraged individuals to work in the best interest of the team.
Sign Codes
Find information about projects happening in your community.
Outdoor Seating Review Process
Equal Business Opportunity
Loan Closet
Dobbin Road Pathway
Community Partnerships
Active Shooter Preparedness
Alpha Ridge Landfill Special Exception
Bid Results
Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP)
The Office of Community Partnerships is the contact and administrator for Howard County’s Local Board.
Money Matters 2021
April is Financial Literacy Month. Learn how to be money smart.