Composting Facility
The Composting Facility is located on 14 acres at the Alpha Ridge Landfill and is designed to compost yard trim, food scraps and manure in aerated, covered piles.
The Health Department offers rapid testing and linkage to care for Hepatitis. Our Case Management will help you get connected with a provider in the area that can discuss and start treatment.
Adolescent Health
Adolescent Health addresses the health needs of pre-teens and beyond.
Loan Closet Equipment
Taxes - Service Catalog
Tax information for Howard County residents.
Payments - Service Catalog
Make a payment for your bills, taxes, or traffic citations.
Voting - Service Catalog
Find your poll location and learn more about voter registration, lobbying, and absentee ballots.
Vendor Guide
This guide is designed to assist you in understanding the basic procedures of centralized purchasing in Howard County Government. Howard County welcomes vendors to do business with the County and will provide any assistance and information that may help you to better understand our procedures.
Environmentally Preferred Products
Surplus Property
Construction & Demolition Debris
Proper recycling and disposal of construction and demolition debris is crucial.
Household Hazardous Waste
Household Hazardous Waste Collections occurs Saturdays from April-November.
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health programs can help child care providers and early childhood educators with young children who have difficult and disruptive behavior.
Transportation & Special Projects Division
Landlord & Tenant Section
One of the duties of the Sheriff is to provide enforcement for court ordered assistance to property owners. Evictions are an unfortunate but necessary part of that duty. The Landlord/Tenant Section is responsible for the service of all related summonses and notices regarding the eviction process. This unit works in accordance with the District Court of Maryland.
Patrol Operations
The most visible section of the Sheriff's Office is the uniformed Patrol Operations Section. These deputies operate highly visible patrol cruisers and are assigned to one of eight geographic patrol sectors in Howard County for the service of criminal and civil process. They also assist local law enforcement agencies in calls for service, when needed.
Patrol deputies routinely enforce the Maryland Criminal and Traffic laws and provide security to all judges, staff, and visitors in and around the Circuit Court Complex.