Prisoner Transport
Tree Maintenance
Warrant & Fugitive Section
Domestic Violence Unit
Courthouse Security
Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise Program (VOBE)
Housing - Service Catalog
Learn more about buying, renting, and living in Howard County.
Diversity & Inclusion Service Catalog
Find resources and support for BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and immigrants and learn more about human rights and equity.
Training Programs - Service Catalog
Find programs and workshops covering a wide variety of topics.
Activities & Outdoors - Service Catalog
Find parks and community centers and sign up for activities, camps, sports, and more.
Careers Service Catalog
Find government careers, internship opportunities, and learn more about job skills and training.
Community Athletic Program
Health - Service Catalog
Find healthcare options and learn more about programs for wellness.
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COVID-19 Outbreaks
Information and resources for COVID-19 outbreaks in schools, daycare, businesses, assisted living facilities and more.
Minimum Wage Increase
Effective April 1, 2022, a series of local minimum wage increases for employees working in Howard County.
Local Business Initiative
The Office of Workforce development offers apprenticeship programs as another tool to help businesses build their talent pipeline and contribute to the growth and retention of employees.
My Neighborhood
Find a Howard County address and view detailed information about it including nearby public facilities.
Interactive Map
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Map Gallery
View general-purpose PDF maps generated by various county agencies for easy printing.
Find information about map and data tools offered by the County.