Board of Appeals Hearing Examiner
CASE: BA 20-018V - Barnabas Domowski t/a Maryland Decking/Bardon Enterprises
Contact: Board of Appeals Office, 410-313-2395
Alcoholic Beverage Hearing Board
Contact: County Council Office, 410-313-2001
Board of Appeals Hearing Examiner
CASE: BA 20-024V, Corey Tsang
Contact: Board of Appeals Office, 410-313-2395
County Executive Calvin Ball's 2nd FY22 Resident’s Budget Hearing
On March 9th, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball will hold his second Resident’s Budget Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) budget. Residents are encouraged to participate to provide input on this year's budget and projects that will make a difference and provide a positive impact on life in Howard County.
Zoning Board
Continuation of CASE: ZB 1118M, Erickson at Limestone Valley
Contact: Zoning Board, 410-313-2395
County Council Legislative Public Hearing
Contact: County Council Office, 410-313-2001
Board of Appeals Hearing Examiner
CASE: BA 21-003V, Lisa Kittleman & Jay Lowe
Contact: Board of Appeals Office, 410-313-2395
Board of Appeals Hearing Examiner (RESCHEDULED for May 11)
CASE: BA 777-D Columbia Association
Contact: Board of Appeals Office, 410-313-2395
Zoning Board (NOTE: Time Change)
Continuation of CASE: ZB 1119M, HRVC Ltd. Partnership, c/o Kimco Realty Corp.
Contact: Zoning Board, 410-313-2395
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Howard County Government offices will be closed in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday on Monday, January 18th. However, their will be regular curbside trash, recycling and food scrap/yard trim collection on the 18th.
New Year’s Day Holiday
Howard County Government offices will be closed in observance of the New Year’s Day holiday on Friday, January 1, 2021. As there will be no curbside trash, recycling, yard trim or food scrap collection on New Year’s Day, the County’s holiday "slide” schedule will be in effect.
Zoning Board
CASE: ZB 1118M, Erickson at Limestone Valley
Contact: Zoning Board, 410-313-2395
Independence Day - No Curbside Collections
There will be NO CURBSIDE COLLECTIONS on Monday, July 5 in observance of Independence Day.
Curbside collections of recycling, yard trim, food scraps and trash will slide and be made one day later that week. Bulk item collection will slide with trash collection. Scrap metal collection will remain as scheduled and will not slide. Please place all items out by 6am to ensure collection.
The Alpha Ridge Landfill and County offices will be CLOSED on Monday, July 5.
Slide Schedule in Effect
There will be NO CURBSIDE COLLECTIONS on Monday, July 5.
Curbside collections of recycling, yard trim, food scraps and trash will slide and be made one day later that week. Bulk item collection will slide with trash collection.
Scrap metal collection will remain as scheduled and will not slide. Please place all items out by 6am to ensure collection.
Labor Day - No Curbside Collections
There will be NO CURBSIDE COLLECTIONS on Monday, September 6 in observance of Labor Day.
Curbside collections of recycling, yard trim, food scraps and trash will slide and be made one day later that week. Bulk item collection will slide with trash collection. Scrap metal collection will remain as scheduled and will not slide. Please place all items out by 6am to ensure collection.
The Alpha Ridge Landfill and County offices will be CLOSED on Monday, September 6.
Slide Schedule in Effect
There will be NO CURBSIDE COLLECTIONS on Monday, September 6.
Curbside collections of recycling, yard trim, food scraps and trash will slide and be made one day later that week. Bulk item collection will slide with trash collection.
Scrap metal collection will remain as scheduled and will not slide. Please place all items out by 6am to ensure collection.
Thanksgiving Day - No Curbside Collections
There will be NO CURBSIDE COLLECTIONS on Thursday, November 25.
Thursday and Friday curbside collections of recycling, yard trim, food scraps and trash will slide and be made one day later that week. Bulk item collection will slide with trash collection. Scrap metal collection will remain as scheduled and will not slide. Please place all items out by 6am to ensure collection.
The Alpha Ridge Landfill will be CLOSED on Thursday, November 25. County offices will be CLOSED on Thursday, November 25th and Friday, November 26.
Slide Schedule in Effect
There will be NO CURBSIDE COLLECTIONS on Thursday, November 25.
Thursday and Friday curbside collections of recycling, yard trim, food scraps and trash will slide and be made one day later that week. Bulk item collection will slide with trash collection.
Scrap metal collection will remain as scheduled and will not slide. Please place all items out by 6am to ensure collection.
Document Shredding
A County-sponsored paper shredding event will take place at Gary J Arthur Community Center 2400 State Route 97 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (or until trucks are full).
Residents may bring up to three bags or boxes of paper to be shredded. Residents are asked to ONLY bring items that contain personal information. Junk mail, catalogs and office paper can be recycled in your curbside recycling bin.
Document Shredding
A County-sponsored paper shredding event will take place at Long Gate Park and Ride, 5000 Meadowbrook Lane, Ellicott City MD from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (or until trucks are full).
Residents may bring up to three bags or boxes of paper to be shredded. Residents are asked to ONLY bring items that contain personal information. Junk mail, catalogs and office paper can be recycled in your curbside recycling bin.
Howard County Unveils Two Innovative Nonverbal Communication Boards at Blandair Park Playground Edit
Today Howard County Executive Calvin Ball joined the Department of Recreation & Parks to unveil two innovative nonverbal communication boards at Blandair Regional Park’s new “Play for All” playground.
Anderson Avenue Water Main Project to Begin
A Howard County construction project to replace a water main along a portion of Anderson Avenue in Elkridge is expected to begin on or about Monday, April 19th.
Howard County Executive Proposes $1.88 Billion Operating Budget for FY 2022, Providing Record $633 Million for Schools
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball presented his proposed $1.88 billion operating budget for the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY 2022) to the Howard County Council.
Howard County Department of Public Works to Host Public Meeting on Glenmont Stream Restoration Project
Howard County’s Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold a virtual public meeting on Thursday, April 29th starting at 6:30 p.m., to discuss plans for a stream restoration project in the Village of Long Reach in Columbia.
Howard County Executive Proposes SRO Policy Changes
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball detailed new policy for School Resource Officers, addressing community concerns and input over the past year.