Police and Fire Departments urge residents to be safe around the July 4th holiday
Ground-based sparklers are illegal in Howard County.
Howard County Will Host Public Meeting on Historic Courthouse Redevelopment
Howard County Government will be hosting a public meeting to discuss the potential redevelopment of the Historic Ellicott City Courthouse and associated properties on Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Nite Bite Fishing (All ages)
Howard County Recreation & Parks
Nite Bite Fishing (All ages)
Howard County Recreation & Parks
Nite Bite Fishing (All ages)
Howard County Recreation & Parks
Nite Bite Fishing (All ages)
Howard County Recreation & Parks
Nite Bite Fishing (All ages)
Howard County Recreation & Parks
Howard County Hosts Nation’s Largest Youth Cricket League Tournament
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball hosted the opening ceremony for the 8th annual National Youth Cricket League (NYCL) tournament.
Howard County’s 4th of July Celebration Will Offer COVID-19 Vaccines
County Executive Calvin Ball and Howard County Recreation & Parks announced this year’s July 4th fireworks celebration at the Lakefront at Columbia will feature live music, on-site food trucks, and COVID-19 vaccines.
Complete Streets Implementation Team (CSIT) Meeting
Regular meeting of the Complete Streets Implementation Team.
Complete Streets Implementation Team (CSIT) Meeting
Regular meeting of the Complete Streets Implementation Team.
Complete Streets Implementation Team (CSIT) Meeting
Regular meeting of the Complete Streets Implementation Team.
Composting Facility Tour
Take a guided tour of the state-of-the-art Composting Facility at Alpha Ridge Landfill.
Howard County Executive Contributes $10 Million to HCPSS Health and Dental Fund Deficit
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball contributes a one-time County contribution of $10 million to the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) to pay down its Health and Dental Fund deficit, putting HCPSS on track to eliminate its deficit by end of 2021.
Two charged in December 2020 fatal shooting in mall parking lot
17-year-old charged with murder in Dec. 4 homicide.
Christmas Holiday
Howard County Government offices will be closed on December 24th in observance of the Christmas holiday; however, there will be regular Friday curbside trash, recycling, yard trim and food scrap collection on the 24th.
Thanksgiving Day Holiday
Howard County Government offices will be closed on Thursday, November 25th in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday. Additionally, as there will be no curbside trash, recycling, yard trim or food scrap collection on Thanksgiving Day, the County’s holiday "slide” schedule will be in effect for the remainder of the week.
Thanksgiving Holiday
Howard County Government offices will remain closed on Friday, November 26th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. As there was no Thursday curbside trash, recycling, yard trim and/or food scrap collection on Thanksgiving Day, the County’s holiday "slide” schedule is in effect for the remainder of the week.
Veterans Day Holiday
Howard County Government offices will be closed on Thursday, November 11th in observance of the Veterans Day holiday. However, there will be regular Thursday curbside trash, recycling, yard trim and food scrap collection.
Indigenous Peoples' Day
Howard County Government offices will be closed in observance of the Indigenous Peoples' Day holiday on Monday, October 11th. However, their will be regular Monday curbside trash, recycling, yard trim and food scrap collection.
Labor Day
Howard County Government offices will be closed in observance of the Labor Day holiday on Monday, September 6th. As there will be no trash, recycling, yard trim or food scrap pick-up on the 6th, the county’s holiday "slide” schedule will be in effect the week of Labor Day.
Police charge 11 suspects in child pornography cases
Acting on tips sent in from national and state hotlines for crimes against children, Howard County police since July 2020 have charged eight adults and three juveniles.
Police ID two victims injured in unrelated Columbia shootings
Both were treated at the hospital and released.
Police investigating non-fatal shooting Tuesday in Columbia
Adult male was found with gunshot wound in Columbia.
Independence Day Holiday
Howard County Government offices will be closed in observance of the Independence Day holiday on Monday, July 5th. Additionally, as there will be no curbside trash, recycling, food scrap or yard trim collection on Monday, the County's holiday "slide" schedule will be in effect the remainder of the week.