Howard County Signs Camp Ilchester Purchase Agreement, Celebrates with Summer Social
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball was joined by Senator Chris Van Hollen, state and local officials, and community members to celebrate the completion of the purchase agreement for Camp Ilchester.
Howard County Honors “Getting Ahead” Graduates and Recognizes Community Partners
Howard County Government and Department of Community Resources and Services (DCRS) Director Jacqueline Scott honored the outstanding achievements of graduates of the County’s “Getting Ahead” program.
Nearly 4 Tons of Debris Removed from Waterways Following Last Week’s Storm
Ellicott City Safe and Sound’s stream debris cleanup was triggered after intense rainfall June 8th
Bike Lanes through Resurfacing Public Meeting
The Office of Transportation will hold a virtual public meeting to discuss the addition of bike lanes through road resurfacing in FY23.
County Executive Ball Announces $2 Million to Close Achievement Gap
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball today announced a $2 million investment in support services for students and families to help close the achievement gap.
June MTB Meeting
The June meeting of the Multimodal Transportation Board will be held virtually on Tuesday, June 28th at 7pm.
Special Olympics Torch Run returns to Howard County
HCPD, Special Olympics athletes will carry the torch around Centennial Park.
County Executive Ball Proposes County’s First Permanent LGBTQIA+ Commission to Advance Equity and Inclusion
As Pride Month comes to an end, Commission will continue to advance equal rights
Howard County Announces Public Meeting to Discuss Design of Ellicott City Safe and Sound Extended North Tunnel Project
Howard County’s Department of Public Works’ (DPW) Bureau of Environmental Services will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, July 6th at 6:00 p.m. to share the design of the Ellicott City Safe and Sound plan’s Extended North Tunnel project.
Howard County Department of Public Works to Host Public Meeting on Old Columbia Pike Water Main Rehabilitation Project
Howard County’s Department of Public Works’ Utility Design Division will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, July 6th to present plans for a proposed project, which includes the relocation and replacement of approximately 6,600 linear feet of water main along Old Columbia Pike between Toll House Road and Roussey Lane.
Howard County’s Office of Emergency Management Wins Prestigious Project of the Year Award
Howard County’s Office of Emergency Management took home the prestigious 2022 Project of the Year award from the Maryland Emergency Management Association for its On Call Emergency Manager and Emergency Operation Center Manager Training and Certification Program.
Independence Day - Slide Schedule in Effect
There will be NO CURBSIDE COLLECTIONS on Monday, July 4.
Curbside collections of recycling, yard trim, food scraps and trash will slide and be made one day later that week. Bulk item collection will slide with trash collection.
Scrap metal collection will remain as scheduled and will not slide. Please place all items out by 6am to ensure collection.
The Alpha Ridge Landfill and County offices will be CLOSED on Monday, July 4th.
Alcoholic Beverage Hearing Board
A hybrid public hearing of the Alcoholic Beverage Hearing Board.
Howard County Government Closings on July 4th in Observance of Independence Day Holiday
Howard County Government offices, courts, animal shelter, 50+ centers and Alpha Ridge Landfill will be closed in observance of the Independence Day holiday on Monday, July 4th. As there will be no Monday curbside trash, recycling, yard trim or food scraps collection on the 4th, the County’s holiday slide schedule will be in effect for the remainder of the week.
Howard County Executive Ball Seeks Members and Student Member for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball is seeking applicants and student applicants interested in serving on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission. Student members are non-voting members and each serve a one-year term from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. The deadline to apply is Sunday, June 12th.
Howard County’s Office of Veterans and Military Families Highlights and Honors County Fallen Heroes this Memorial Day
This Memorial Day, the County’s Office of Veterans and Military Families (OVMF) will honor county fallen hometown heroes with tributes posted on its “Fallen Heroes Tribute” website. Additionally, to supplement its initial research, OVMF is asking the community to help it identify additional fallen service members so the County can expand its Tribute page to honor all who have served.
Summer Concert Series: U.S. Army National Guard "Live Fire" (All Ages)
Howard County Recreation & Parks
Summer Concert Series: Bach to Rock Music School Showcase (All Ages)
Howard County Recreation & Parks
Summer Concert Series: Risa Binder (All Ages)
Howard County Recreation & Parks
Summer Concert Series: Damon Foreman & Blue Funk (All Ages)
Howard County Recreation & Parks
Rainbow Campfire (5 yrs +)
Howard County Recreation & Parks
The Roaming Gnome Scavenger Hunt (All ages)
Howard County Recreation & Parks
Funding secured for 5,000-foot-long underground tunnel, the largest flood control project for Historic Ellicott City
Howard County closes on $75 million low-interest federal loan to support flood project
Planning Board
Howard County Planning Board Meeting
County Executive Ball: FY23 budget plans adopted today mean historic progress on education, public safety, environmental protection and more
Executive Calvin Ball lauded today’s passage of FY23 operating and capital budget plans in Howard County, and said that historic funding for public education, public safety, mental health services, environmental protection and parks and public works projects will improve the quality of life for all in Howard County.