Two arrested with loaded gun on parking lot of Long Reach High School
Students were being dropped off for class when domestic incident broke out.
DHCD Board Meeting
Department of Housing & Community Development Board Meeting
DHCD Board Meeting
DHCD Board Meeting
Click here for the Agenda
DHCD Board Meeting
Board of Appeals Hearing Examiner
CASE: BA 21-004C, Ritter
Board of Appeals Hearing Examiner
CASE: BA 21-004C, Ritter
Board of Appeals Hearing Examiner
CASE: BA 21-013C, SolHarvest Energy
Howard County Executive Unveils Housing Opportunities Master Plan, Outlines New Affordable Housing Initiatives
Today, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball released the completed Housing Opportunities Master Plan (HOMP) and announced new affordable housing initiatives for the County. Ball included $5 million towards the establishment of a Housing Opportunities Trust Fund in his proposed FY 2022 operating budget to fund various HOMP initiatives, which are all aligned with the HOMP.
Howard County Touts COVID-19 Metrics, Vaccine Records
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball has announced major milestones in Howard County’s effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The county’s 7-day average positivity rate is 1.14%, the lowest to date, 7-day average case per 100,000 of the population is at 3.07, the lowest since March 2020, and a COVID utilization rate of 4.7% at Howard County General Hospital, the lowest since October 2020.
Howard County Suspension of Deadline Effects will End June 30
Today, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball signed an Executive Order that reinstates any previously suspended effects of deadlines and due dates as of July 1, 2021.
Howard County Government Closings for Memorial Day Holiday on May 31st
Howard County Government offices, courts, animal shelter, 50+ centers and Alpha Ridge Landfill will be closed in observance of the Memorial Day holiday on Monday, May 31st. As there will be no Monday curbside trash, recycling, yard trim or food scrap collection on Memorial Day, the County’s holiday "slide” schedule will be in effect for the remainder of the week.
Flag Retirement Ceremony
“The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.”
Adams, Hanna, Moore Memorial American Legion Post 156 will hold a memorial ceremony and wreath laying. All are welcome to attend.
Board of Appeals Hearing Examiner
Continuation of CASE: BA 777-D, Columbia Association
Flag Retirement Ceremony
“The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.”
Adams, Hanna, Moore Memorial American Legion Post 156 will hold a memorial ceremony and wreath laying. All are welcome to attend.
Howard County Will Host 4th of July Fireworks at Lake Kittamaqundi
Today, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball announced residents, businesses, and visitors can enjoy the traditional 4th of July fireworks at Lake Kittamaqundi in Columbia this summer. Guidance and recommendations for parades and other events also provided.
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball Opens Third Phase of Blandair Regional Park
Today, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball and Department of Recreation & Parks Director A. Raul Delerme joined county, state and local representatives at a ribbon cutting to mark the completion of the third phase of Blandair Regional Park in Columbia, which includes a state-of-the-art, “play-for-all” playground.
Howard County Executive Launches Digital Equity Initiative, Unveils New County Website
Today, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball launched Transform Howard, a digital equity initiative to expand digital inclusion and increase community access to broadband, as well as unveiled the County's new website.
Mall in Columbia Mass Vaccination Site Leads the State in Percent of First Doses Administered
Howard County announced The Mall in Columbia mass vaccination site has administered 73.7% of its allocated first doses, leading among the six state-supported mass vaccination sites.
Howard County Department of Public Works to Host Public Meeting on Nottingham Pond Principal Spillway Replacement Project
Howard County’s Department of Public Works will hold a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, June 2nd to present plans to replace the existing metal principal spillway pipes and riser structure in order to repair the existing stormwater management facility near 6501 and 6515 Huntshire Drive in Elkridge.
Althea’s Almost Famous Tasty Jamaican Food Coming to Long Reach Village Center
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball announced Althea’s Almost Famous as a new addition to the Long Reach Village Center.
EMPOWERing Healthy Families-The Importance of Preconception Care
Join us for a discussion of the impact of Preconception Health on maternal and infant outcomes with Dr. Donna Neale and Dr. Abby Aina
Howard County Council Passes County Executive Ball’s Budget with Record School Funding
In a 4 to 1 vote, the Howard County Council passed County Executive Calvin Ball’s Fiscal Year 2022 capital and operating budgets, providing historically high funding to the Howard Count Public School System, Howard Community College and Howard County Library System.
HoCo By Design Planning Advisory Committee Meeting
*CANCELLED* Planning Advisory Committee
0601 HCC COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic
COVID-19 vaccination clinic at Howard Community College. Pfizer vaccine offered (anyone 12+).