Oakland Mills Village Center Area Redevelopment Feasibility Study
In early summer 2016, the Department of Planning and Zoning, in partnership with Columbia Association (CA) engaged a consulting team led by Bolan Smart to evaluate economic and market opportunities for the Oakland Mills Village Center area.
In March 2017, Bolan Smart completed the feasibility study, and the final report documents the economic likelihood of the private sector investing in four market segments: retail, office, sports, and residential. The report provides information and analyses that can be leveraged to assess possible future redevelopment projects in the Oakland Mills Village Center.

Final Feasibility Study Technical Report:
- Full report (19 MB)
- Report body only (13 MB)
- Appendices only (6 MB)
Additional general information about the study is provided in the Frequently Asked Questions sheet.
Oakland Mills Middle School Cafeteria, 9540 Kiliminjaro Road, Columbia, 6:30 pm-8:30 pm, March 22, 2017
Howard County and Columbia Association hosted this third and final meeting in the feasibility study process. Consultants from Bolan Smart presented study highlights and implementation considerations from the final feasibility study report.
Oakland Mills community members (residents, business owners, property owners, and visitors) had the opportunity to ask questions and engage with the consultants, Howard County staff, and Columbia Association representatives.
Oakland Mills Middle School Cafeteria, 9540 Kiliminjaro Road, Columbia, 7 pm-9 pm, November 15, 2016
Howard County and Columbia Association hosted this second, interim meeting in the feasibility study process. The Bolan Smart consulting team presented preliminary development feasibility findings and possible design concepts.
Oakland Mills community members (residents, business owners, property owners, and visitors) had the opportunity to ask questions and offer feedback. A subsequent meeting, to occur in early 2017, will feature a final study presentation and conclusions.
Those unable to attend the November 15 meeting are encouraged to view the presentation slides and Questions and Responses sheet under 'Resources' below.
The Other Barn, 5851 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia, 7 pm-9 pm, June 6, 2016
Howard County, Columbia Association, and the Bolan Smart consulting team held a meeting to kick off the Oakland Mills Village Center Area Redevelopment Feasibility Study. This community meeting was an opportunity for the project team to: 1) introduce project team members, process and schedule; and 2) ask community members for input via small consumer focus group style break sessions.
The Oakland Mills Community Association Village Board invited Howard County, Columbia Association, and the Bolan Smart consulting team to talk about the just launched Oakland Mills Redevelopment Feasibility Study. Following opening remarks from Columbia Association President Milton Matthews and County Executive Allan Kittleman, Howard County Department of Planning and Zoning staff offered a brief background presentation on the study. The consulting team, led by Bolan Smart, then presented the process and method they will use to conduct the study.
Press Releases:
- July 14, 2016: Weis Markets announces plans to purchase 38 Food Lion locations from Food Lion, LLC
- May 9, 2016: Executive Kittleman to launch planning and action for revitalization of Oakland Mills Village Center
Previously prepared publications and resources will inform the study, and include:
- Oakland Mills Village Center Community Plan (2015)
- Downtown Columbia Bridge Feasibility Study (2015)
- Columbia Market Study (2014): Report and
Oakland Mills Appendix: Detailed Market Analysis - Oakland Mills Village Center Streetscape Plan (2014)
- Characteristics of Columbia, Maryland: A Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile (2012)
- Downtown Columbia Plan (2010)
- Blandair Park Master Plan (2008)
- Oakland Mills Village Center Master Plan (2007)
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